söndag 12 april 2009

What are you doing to my PS3, Sony?

Just felt the urge to rant for a minute. After upgrading to the newest PS3 firmware (2.70), I, toghether with many others, found I can no longer stream files from my mediaserver. All files turn up as "unsupported data", and apparently, there is no fix, 'specially since you can't downgrade the damn thing!

I use LinkSys NSLU NAS running Mediatomb as a mediaserver for the PS3, among other things, and it has so far served me flawlessly. Let me put in a good word for the NSLU while I'm at it.

This affordable little piece is a real wonder if you use it to run Linux. I use it for a development MySQL Server, SVN, media streaming (or I did until now), Bittorrent client, and as a general fileserver. The NSLU package repository is huge; you can use for for lots of other stuff as well. For about $100, this is not bad.

Well, enough about that. I hope Sony either fixes this in the next release or provides a downgrade capatibility.

It seems the 2.70 firmware re-introduced an old bug in the DLNA protocol regarding divx playback. A fix in Mediatomb for this can be found here.

1 kommentar:

  1. Well said! This is a known issue since the 2.53 firmware was released. See my thread over at the tversity forums:

    One suggestion is to try to change the MTU size manually.
